FLB Herford / Aktuelles / Nachrichten

Dave´s visit at FLB


By Joel Braunert & Alexander Schidlowski

Last Thursday, we had a very special guest in our English lesson. His name is Dave and he is a teacher at a school in Gloucestershire in the UK which is specialized in construction, just like “Wilhelm-Normann-Berufskolleg” next door.

Dave visited FLB for one week to find out how the German school system works compared to the English one. During our lesson, we had the chance to ask him questions about how schools work in the UK so we could get an insight into the English school system and make up our minds on whether we would like to attend a British college or not.

One similarity between British and German schools is that each year is divided into terms, though British students do not get marks after every term but at the end of the school year when they have sat their final exams. During terms, students write mock exams to prepare for their final exams.

A big difference is that at British schools, students have to wear uniforms whereas in Germany, every student can wear whatever he or she wants to wear.

After thinking about all the information we were given by Dave about the English school system, we think that it would be interesting to attend a British school for one year to see it from an English student’s point of view, although the fact that we would have to wear uniforms does not appeal to us because we think that self-expression and individuality are important aspects for the youth and everybody should be able to wear clothes he or she feels comfortable in.

Dave from Gloucestershire (on the middle left)
