Das Friedrich-List-Berufskolleg nahm von 2003 bis 2005 an dem durch das EU-Programm Comenius geförderten Projekt ‚e-Commerce' teil. Neben dem FLB waren die Tourismusschule Wien 21 (Österreich), das International Business College in Fredericia (Dänemark), das Lycée Professionnel Peltier in Ham (Frankreich) sowie das Royal Forest of Dean College in Coleford (Großbritannien) an dem Projekt beteiligt.
The aim of the partnership is to encourage students to get a deeper insight into the culture and democratic system of their home country as well as other European countries. Researching the system of national and European government as well as the function of voluntary associations enables students to understand how they can play an active part as a European citizen and influence their own future at school, at work, in social and political life.
All partners will research the situation in their country, with students meeting local, national as well as European elected representatives of different associations and visiting their national parliaments. Representatives from each partner school will visit other national institutions/ associations during the project meetings as well as the European Parliament and the partnership will culminate in a European Youth Parliament.
First Year of Partnership
In the first year of the partnership students will explore the different opportunities young people have to express their interests:
• The political structure of their home country and of the European Union
• Different associations of young people
• Voluntary Organizations e.g. Greenpeace
• In order to understand the attitudes of the other European peoples it is important to analyse the national identity of the participating countries.
Second Year of Partnership
In the second year students will visit the European Parliament and finally participate in a European Youth Parliament. They will discuss various possible issues and will choose a topic of concern to them which will be the subject of investigation in each country. They will draw up the agenda and finally some elected students will represent the views of the group in a plenary session of the European Youth Parliament. Their resolutions will be presented to Members of the European ParliamentAll partners will research the situation in their country, with students meeting local, national as well as European elected representatives of different associations and visiting their national parliaments. Representatives from each partner school will visit other national institutions/ associations during the project meetings as well as the European Parliament and the partnership will culminate in a European Youth Parliament.
Erstes Jahr der Partnerschaft
Im ersten Projektjahr stand der Umgang mit unterschiedlichen Arten des e-Commerce sowie e-Commerce aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht im Vordergrund.
Zweites Jahr der Partnerschaft
Im zweiten Projektjahr werden vor allem juristische Aspekte des e-Commerce auch im Hinblick auf Unterschiede in den EU-Ländern bearbeitet werden.
Ziel ist es, unterschiedliche Bausteine für den Unterrichtseinsatz in
Fächern wie Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Rechnungswesen,
Informationswirtschaft aber auch Fremdsprachen (Englisch, Französisch,
Spanisch) zu entwickeln.
In diesem Bereich finden Sie Berichte über die Projekt-Aktivitäten an den verschiedenen Partnerschulen, Artikel aus den Schülerzeiten zum Projekt und die Projekttreffen und -berichte aus der lokalen Presse, Radio und Fernsehen (zum Beispiel Neue Westfälische, Herforder Kreisblatt, Radio Herford, WDR).